
孩子咳咳咳,咳不停怎么回事 ---- 儿童慢性咳嗽知多少

作者:蒋本然    2017-12-03原创标识






Chronic cough is a very common complaint in paediatric clinics throughout China, especially in autumns and winter seasons. Chronic cough in children is generally defined as a cough lasting more than four weeks. This is because most acute respiratory infections in children resolve within this interval. 2013 Guideline for Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Cough in Chinese Children also defined chronic cough as cough is the main or only clinical symptoms lasting more than four weeks and chest x- ray shows no significant abnormality.



根据2009年全国19个省市29所医院联合进行的多中心研究发现,中国儿童慢性咳嗽的前三位病因分别是咳嗽变异性哮喘 (41.95%)、上气道咳嗽综合征 (24.71%) 和呼吸道感染后咳嗽 (21.73%)。这3个到底是什么鬼?让我们一起来看下面这几个病例吧:

What causes a chronic cough in children?  According to prospective multicenter clinical study on the chronic cough in Chinese children in 2009, the leading three causes were cough variant asthma (41.95%), upper airway cough syndrome (24.71%), respiratory infections and post-infectious cough (21.73%).


1. 小明今年小学二年级了,虽然小时候有过湿疹,但长大就都好了,平时身体不错。但就是最近咳嗽有一个半月了,说多不多,说少也不少,也没痰,就是晚上睡觉前和早上起床时咳嗽;有时候,奔着跑着玩的疯了,或者家里炒菜的油烟闻到了,也会咳一阵,之前也没明显的感冒发烧, 其他一切也都好。但外婆担心小明咳出肺炎,带着去让医生给拍了片子,没什么异常,请医生开了头孢吃了几天没用,把家里以前吃剩下的阿奇霉素也吃了,还是咳咳咳。再去请教医生,医生给配了万托林,说是支气管舒张剂,用了三五天,明显就咳嗽少多了。复诊时医生说小明可能就是咳嗽变异型哮喘,外婆急了,我们并没有气急气喘啊,怎么回事呢?! 别急,听小编慢慢道来:


(1)持续咳嗽 > 4周,通常为干咳,没有气喘,常在夜间和(或)清晨发作,运动、遇冷空气后咳嗽加重,没有发烧,正常生活学习玩耍,吃喝拉撒也不影响,医院开的抗菌素翻来覆去吃了好几种没有用;





Cough dominant asthma: also known as cough variant asthma, is the most common cause of chronic cough in school-age and preschool children:

(1) A dry cough that lasts > 4 weeks and it is mostly at night and/or in the morning. People with cough-variant asthma generally do not have the other common symptoms of asthma, such as wheezing, shortness of breath and chest tightness. The cough also often worsens in cold air and during exercise. Apart from cough, there is no fever or other symptoms without impact on daily activities and appetite. Antibiotics have no role in the treatment of cough variant asthma.

(2) Empirical treatment with bronchodilator shows improvement, such as Meptin, Ventolin and Bricanyl.

(3) Spirometry is usually normal; bronchial provocation test indicates airway hyperresponsiveness.

(4) History of allergic disease and family history of allergic disease.

(5) Rule out any other causes of chronic cough.

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2. 甜甜是家里的开心果,已经是大班的孩子了,爷爷奶奶最喜欢听她唱歌了,背起弟子规也是一板一眼的。可是最近甜甜开始吭吭吭地咳嗽了,就好像喉咙口有点痰要清嗓一样,说话唱歌都会有影响,鼻子有点堵,早晨起来还会打几个喷嚏,流点鼻涕,有时候还会说喉咙口不舒服或者有东西流到喉咙口,所以要咳嗽。妈妈想着这孩子是感冒了,以前也有过,就给吃了网上海淘的小绿叶止咳糖浆,一般一两周就该好了。可是转眼四周都过去了,甜甜还在咳咳咳,妈妈就开始担心是不是气管炎了,带去医院看。医生检查后告诉妈妈,引起甜甜的咳嗽不是气管炎,而是过敏性鼻炎和慢性咽炎引起的上气道咳嗽综合征,给了海盐水和内舒拿喷鼻,开瑞坦口服还有些清喉利咽的药,甜甜的咳嗽就逐渐减少了。


(1)持续咳嗽>4周,伴有白色泡沫痰(过敏性鼻炎)或黄绿色脓痰(鼻窦炎),咳嗽以晨起或体位变化时为甚,伴有鼻塞、流涕、咽干并有异物感 和反复清咽等症状;



(4)鼻咽喉镜检查或头颈部侧位片、鼻窦x线 片或CT片可有助于诊断。

Upper airway cough syndrome is the second most common cause of chronic cough in Chinese children. It is formerly known as postnasal drip syndrome. Underlying reasons for postnasal drip include rhinitis (allergic and nonallergic), sinusitis, chronic nasopharyngitis, chronic tonsillitis, and adenoid hypertrophy.

(1) Symptoms of upper airway cough syndrome include cough lasting > 4weeks with white foamy phlegm (allergic rhinitis) or yellow and greenish phlegm (sinusitis), cough more in the morning when wake up or position changes, accompany with stuffy nose,frequent nasal discharge, a sensation of liquid dripping into the back of the throat, and frequent throat clearing.

(2) Clues on physical examination are a cobblestone appearance to the nasopharyngeal mucosa and the presence of secretions in the nasopharynx.

(3) Clarityne, Zyrtec, Singulair and Nasonex show the effectiveness in the treatment of allergic rhinitis caused chronic cough. Those caused by bacterial sinusitis will benefit from antibiotics two to four weeks course.

(4) Nasal endoscopy and laryngoscopy, sinus x- ray or CT scan will help the evaluation.


3. 小伟今年4岁,十一假期和爸爸妈妈出门玩了10天,假期结束去了幼儿园没几天就发烧咳嗽,去看了医生,说是病毒性感冒,过个3-5天就好了。果然过了3天烧就退了,过了一周多咳嗽和痰见少了,接下来的2周咳嗽的次数和强度虽然也在慢慢减少,可是就是零零星星一直有点咳。不知不觉已经咳了一个月了。尽管小伟照常吃饭,照常蹦蹦跳跳去上幼儿园,奶奶坐不住了,心想小孩的肺很嫩的,会不会咳出肺炎来,就带去医院。医生详细问了病史做了体检后,初步考虑是(呼吸道)感染后咳嗽,问题不大,不用吃药,最多再有几周慢慢就好了。奶奶半信半疑,还是坚持要拍个胸片,结果是无异常。奶奶纳闷了,这到底是怎么回事呢?








Post-infectious cough is also a common cause of chronic cough in toddler and preschooler. Research showed that it may due to the disruption of upper and/or lower airway epithelial integrity, extensive airway inflammation and temporarily airway hyperresponsiveness.

(1) A recent history of respiratory tract infection.

(2) A persistent cough lasting >4 weeks, dry cough or with white sticky phlegm.

(3) The chest radiograph findings are normal or increased lung markings.

(4) Spirometry is usually normal or transient airway hyperresponsiveness.

(5) Cough is self limiting. Other diagnoses should be considered if cough lasting > 8 weeks.

(6) Rule out any other causes of chronic cough.



Apart from the above three leading causes of chronic cough, is there any other common causes? Let's take a look at the following conditions:




Respiratory infections caused by various species of microbial pathogens can lead to chronic cough in children, including Mycoplasma pneumoniae, chlamydia, Bordetella pertussis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Respiratory syncytial virus, and adenovirus. The duration could be more than 25 days due to disruption of airway epithelial integrity, poor mucus clearance, and secretion pooling.






(4)除外其他原因引起的慢 性咳嗽。

2. Gastroesophageal reflux-related cough

(1) Coughing episodes occur mostly at night.

(2) Cough can be worse after a meal;

(3) 24-h esophageal pH monitoring shown positive.

(4) Rule out any other causes of chronic cough.



(1)刺激性咳嗽持续>4 周;




(5)支气管舒张 剂治疗无效,口服或吸入糖皮质激素治疗有效;


3. Nonasthmatic eosinophilic bronchitis

(1) An irritating cough lasting > 4weeks.

(2) The chest radiograph findings are normal.

(3) Spirometry is normal with the absence of airway hyperresponsiveness.

(4) Percentage of Eos in induced sputum test> 3%

(5) Respond well to inhaled glucocorticoids but does not respond to bronchodilators.

(6) Rule out any other causes of chronic cough.




4. Foreign body 

Foreign body aspiration is an important cause of chronic cough in young children especially toddlers aged 1 to 3 years. A history of onset of the cough after an episode of choking, even if remote in time, or sudden onset of the cough in a young child while eating or playing, raises the possibility of a foreign body. Cough is the most common symptom of foreign body aspiration and it generally presented as episodes of paroxysmal coughing. Other symptoms include decreased breathing sound and wheezing. An auscultatory assessment and chest radiographs are needed to assess for asymmetry in aeration and/or focal adventitious sounds, most commonly low-pitched wheeze. Bronchoscopy may also be performed for evaluation if need.






(4)除外其他原因引起的慢性咳嗽,经过行为干预或心理 治疗后咳嗽能得到改善时才能诊断

5. Psychogenic cough

(1) Common in older school aged children and adolescents.

(2) Cough mostly during the daytime; cough is absent when focusing on some activities, exercise or night time sleep; cough with a barking or honking character.

(3) Often accompany with anxiety but without organic disorders.

(4) Rule out any other causes of chronic cough. Cough improves with specific therapy such as behavior modification or psychiatric therapy.




6. Tic cough

Tic cough (previously referred to as habit cough) is common in a pediatric practice. Literature reported that it can represent up to 10 of children and adolescents with chronic cough of unknown origin. Tic cough is often quite distinctive. It may consist of short, single dry coughs (tics) or may be similar to the cough heard in croup (a barking or honking sound after a short inhalation). The cough usually is prominent during visits to the clinic, but is absent at night and rarely interrupts play, speech, or eating. Patients sometimes report a “tickle” in the throat and the pattern of the cough supports a laryngeal origin. Tic cough is often preceded by an upper respiratory tract infection and fails to resolve. There is no response to commonly used antitussive or asthma medications. Suggestion therapy has been demonstrated to be effective. Tic cough is also a diagnosis of exclusion, and the label should not be applied until all other possible causes have been considered.



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 Daily Health杂志主编:蒋本然




2017-12-05 20:57 我要点评 0

